Cancellation Policy
cancellation policy
Any order can be canceled if there is a discrepancy. A few of the causes for cancellation on our end typically include a product’s inventory limit, a pricing problem, a product information error, etc. In some circumstances, we also have the right to check out for more information in order to accept orders. If your order is partially or totally canceled, or if additional information is needed to accept your order, we will notify you as soon as possible.
Any order that has already been placed can be canceled by you before it is shipped to its destination.
When we receive a cancellation request, we ensure that the money is returned to your bank account using the best method of payment within ten working days. You will get the amount of the return directly into your account after the refund procedure has begun.
We will make sure to reimburse (refund) the entire amount to your bank account as quickly as possible if the amount is deducted from your account and the transaction is unsuccessful.
Please be aware that personalized jewelry is not covered by this policy.
Delight in Every Magic Moment
Our diamond pieces go beyond mere jewelry; they embody the artistry and precision of our expert jewelers, highlighting their mastery in working with precious stones and intricate craftsmanship.